Mark Sorensen Mark Sorensen

"The Quiet Ego: A Path to Deeper Connection

Imagine sitting across from a couple who’ve been married for decades. They laugh easily, listen intently, and seem to genuinely enjoy each other’s company. When disagreements arise, they navigate them with curiosity rather than combativeness. What you’re witnessing isn’t just good luck or perfect compatibility—it’s the quiet ego in action.

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Mark Sorensen Mark Sorensen

Forgiveness in Marriage: The Key to Healing, Growth, and Lasting Love

Marriage is a journey of two imperfect people learning how to love each other despite their flaws. No matter how strong a relationship is, there will be missteps—some small, like a forgotten errand or a sharp word spoken in frustration, and some much bigger, like betrayal, broken trust, or deep misunderstandings. What keeps a marriage strong isn’t the absence of mistakes; it’s the presence of forgiveness.

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Mark Sorensen Mark Sorensen

Reactive States of Mind

A crucial concept in terms of understanding oneself is the “reactive state of mind”. A reactive state of mind is a pattern of brain activity that has become engrained through repetition, much like grooves being worn into a surface through repeated motion. States of mind are “reactive” when they are triggered by, and organized around, intense negative emotions.

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Mark Sorensen Mark Sorensen

Getting Lost in Your Stories

The mind has been called a “story telling machine” because it uses language to help us figure out how to interact with the world. Sometimes this works out well, for example when our mind tells us to “turn the cap right to tighten it.” However, when it comes to our relationships our minds can get into trouble.

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Mark Sorensen Mark Sorensen

How to stop complaining and get a happier marriage

Living intimately with another human being over a long period can be a challenge at times. The personal habits of the other person, when they deviate from your expectations or desires, can be frustrating or annoying.

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